Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Diva's Challenge #364 2

The Diva’s Weekly Challenge this week is a monotangle of Carole Ohl’s Puf.  A monotangle is a term for using only one tangle and it’s tangleations in a single tile.  

This one was a good practice for me as I have not used Puf enough.  I went with an open string with white space.  I used a lot of shading on this one to make it puf out as much as I could.

Like it?  Thanks for stoping by!  Don’t forget to check out the rest of the monotangles of Puf on the Diva’s website!



  1. Your shading does indeed make things puff! Great tile!

  2. Very lovely and great shading. Now I realise I did far to little shading.
